Empowered Healing 

12 Week Personalized Coaching Program

FINALLY! A step-by-step proven method for reclaiming your life and transforming your health in a way that connects you with yourself and allows you to feel like you are part of your health process.

Let's Chat

Learn my Holistic Transformational Healing Process

  • learn my whole health approach to living with cancer that addresses the body, mind, and spirit
  • develop lifestyle habits to support your health building goals including - nutrition, movement, and mindfulness practices
  • become present in your life so you can enjoy it now not someday down the road
  • learn how to use my AIDE process to manage stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and fear
  • feel health-full and joy-full 
  • create self belief that will support you every day
I want to Thrive!

Happy Healthy Thriver Love

Bonnetta - Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer Thriver

I have learned that my cancer diagnosis IS NOT MY IDENTITY. I leave our calls with a sense of peace and calmness. I've learned I can live beyond all the appointments, scans and discussions of the diagnosis and learn to live as a ThriveHER every minute, every hour and every day. Kathryn truly was put in my path and I am very thankful for her. 

Carrie - Stage 4 Lung Cancer Thriver

Kathryn listens and understands. She's been through it. She has a great mindset and shares all of the tools she has learned and adopted through the years. You truly feel like you are talking to a friend. The three benefits I have experienced are: 1) A new way of thinking about and living with cancer. 2) The role and importance of nutrition . 3) The benefits of taking time for yourself and learning the tools that are helpful in managing stressful times. 

Julie - Stage 4 Colon Cancer Thriver

Kathryn White is such a positive, open, welcoming person, who creates a safe space for you to share your thoughts and feelings. I immediately felt comfortable with her, and we quickly established a connection. Kathryn makes that happen, as she does not judge; she holds space for you, no matter what you are feeling or thinking.

You Can Thrive with Cancer

It is never too soon or too late to get started.

Schedule a free call to learn more about personalized coaching.

Becoming a health-full thriver is the best way for you to feel in control of your health and happiness without feeling like you are just surviving.

I help highly driven women who are living with cancer, reclaim their life and transform their health through my holistic transformational healing process.

Book Your Transformational Call Today

You are just one step away from becoming a health-full Thriver.

My personalized 12 week coaching program is for women who:

* want to work in a one on one space to get the personalized attention you want and deserve as you navigate life with cancer

* are committed to making lifestyle and mindset changes to support your healing process

* are willing to come to our private calls eager and willing to share and to accept guidance

* value feeling supported by someone who truly understands what it looks like and feels like to be living with cancer

* who want to move forward in life feeling in control of your health and empowered with the belief that there is life with cancer

More Thriver Love...

Kathy - Stage 4 Colon Cancer Thriver

The time invested has proven more valuable than I could ever have imagined. Kathryn has guided me through an honest, very deep self-reflection that has brought me out on the other side of stuck. I am stepping forward with a confidence and hopefulness that cancer had stolen from me. I Am so much better. 

Michelle - Cervical Cancer Thriver

Empowering! INVEST in THIS. Empower yourself to thrive and not just barely survive. There were many key players that participated in my journey of healing and this sweet soul is one of them! Her knowledge and personal experience and well earned victory with her own journey with cancer was and is an invaluable resource.

Become part of the Thriver community

Stay up to date on what is new and happening in our community. As a thank you I am sharing with you my Guide to Managing Life with Cancer.