
I would love for you and I to get to know each other.


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Hi, my name is Kathryn.

Let me tell you a little bit more about myself...

I was 43 years old when my world came crashing down around me

Years of too much stress and not taking care of myself led to a diagnosis of Stage 4 Colon Cancer. To say that I was scared is an understatement. I was terrified. I decided right then and there that cancer was not going to stop me. I still had a whole life to live. What I needed to do was accept what was happening and do everything I could to beat it. And I DID!

As a cancer survivor, I am deeply passionate about health and wellness. Prior to cancer I thought I was living aĀ  healthy lifestyle; little did I know that I had so much more to learn.

After completing treatment and getting my health back I dug deep into nutrition and mindfulness to help me heal my body, mind, and spirit.

Healing is an ongoing process. It is a beautiful opportunity to reinvent yourself and live the life you want to live.

I have learned that every day is a gift.

Ā I became a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach in 2021 so that I could help women living with a cancer diagnosis to move from just surviving day to day to thriving in life.

Ā I am so happy you are here to learn moreĀ about how I can help you.

You can do this, together we can do this.

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