Kathryn White Blog

Cancer Thrivers

The Benefits of Ongoing Support

Sep 03, 2024

How a Body Mind Spirit Approach Supports Life with Cancer Jul 23, 2024

In 2018 I knew that something had to change. For three years I had been living with stage 4 colon cancer and I had been No Evidence of Disease for a year and half when a new cancer lump popped up. With this came more tests and another surgery. Fortunately, it did not mean more chemotherapy.

I was...

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3 Benefits of Breathwork for Cancer Patients Jul 16, 2024


We often use the terms take a breath or catch your breath when we are feeling overwhelmed or when we need to slow down. How many of you have said just breathe to help an upset child or friend calm down? Perhaps you didn't even realize you were saying it and that it actually...

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Yoga for Cancer Support Apr 30, 2024

I want to challenge your ability to be flexible about this topic of yoga and invite you to explore how it can truly be part of changing your life when you have cancer. Looking at yoga in relation to cancer, I want to offer that it is so much more than the poses and the physical practice....

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