Kathryn White Blog

Cancer Thrivers

The Benefits of Ongoing Support

Sep 03, 2024

The Benefits of Ongoing Support Sep 03, 2024

When it comes to support there are three types of people: those who don't want it, those who will give it a try, and those who are all in.

When you don't know how to do something it is an easy fix to do a quick internet search to find answers. This is great if you are trying to figure out...

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Healthy Eating Matters During Chemo Aug 20, 2024

Many cancer patients are faced with chemotherapy as part of their treatment plan. Chemotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs to kill cancer cells. It works by targeting rapidly dividing cells, which includes cancer cells, but can also affect other fast-growing healthy cells...

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What You Can Learn From Cancer Aug 13, 2024


There is no doubt that cancer is a life changing event. With three small words your whole world has turned upside down. From your home life to your work life to your social life things will change. You may have to leave work or change how you work because of your medical plan, your...

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Supporting a Friend with Cancer Aug 06, 2024


Supporting a friend with cancer can be challenging, but your care and support can make a big difference for them. One of the challenges that the person with cancer may be facing is how to ask for help. How do you ask for help when you don't know what you need?

Your role as a supportive...

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5 Reasons You Need to Work with A Holistic Cancer Coach Jul 30, 2024

When I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in 2015, I had never heard of a cancer coach. I had to muddle through all my thoughts and feelings on my own with only my husband as my sounding board.

I tried working with a social worker at the cancer clinic, but it didn’t feel like a good...

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Navigating FEAR Jul 09, 2024

We can all agree that there is a lot of fear surrounding a cancer diagnosis. The C word is one of the scariest words in the world and it brings up all of the stories you have heard, the movies you have seen and the experiences you may have had with loved ones who have had cancer. This can create...

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3 Ways To Live Your Life to the Fullest With Cancer Jun 25, 2024

One of the most difficult things to hear are the three words – you have cancer.  This short phrase can stop you in your tracks and certainly change the course of your life forever. Initially you may feel nothing at all as your mind attempts to process what was just said. At some point...

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5 Ways Gratitude Can Support People Living with Cancer Jun 11, 2024

Living with cancer has its challenges to say the least. Finding gratitude can be one of them. The overwhelm of the health situation, the trips to appointments and tests, and the sheer overwhelm and exhaustion both physically and mentally can make finding the good things in life difficult....

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4 Ways to Slow Down Racing Thoughts May 28, 2024

Can you calm your mind?

One aspect of cancer is a racing mind. There are so many thoughts that happen when you are navigating life with cancer. The Buddhists use the term Monkey Mind to reference how your mind won’t stop moving. Your thoughts are like a monkey swinging from branch to...

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Healthy Eating Is Key To Supporting Cancer Healing May 21, 2024

In the years leading up to my cancer diagnosis I thought I was eating a healthy diet. We cooked most of our meals at home, enjoyed dessert, and regularly ate vegetables. Healthy right?

It wasn't until I was diagnosed with cancer and was going through my chemotherapy treatments that I started to...

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Why Change Feels Hard When You Have Cancer May 07, 2024

How do you feel about change? Do you resist it? Do you fight against it? Or, do you embrace it as inevitable? When you receive a cancer diagnosis there a lot of change and it wasn't the kind you wanted. I feel for you. It's one thing to make a decision for yourself, but it is another to...

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